Imagine That
I get a little delusional sometimes as I float on this blue thing, kind of like a hopeless romantic who doesn’t socialize. I aspire to have godly levels of influence and aspire to exude godly levels of radical love. I imagine a world where my mere presence makes rabbits sing R&B songs as they admire me. I want to be able to just walk past a human and the unique scent of my hair gel and cologne combination cures all illnesses. I know all the kids during the winter in the Midwest will use the snow to build snowmen in my likeness. Even walls that have hundreds of years of secrets would finally gossip with me. All the grandparents would willingly share the best food recipes with only me. I could wave at a grizzly bear on a rampage and make it smile. The phrase, “God bless you” after someone sneezes would turn into “Neal bless you.”
There will be no one aging like fine wine, instead, they would be aging like fine Neal. Around me, liars and cheaters would only know transparency. The Sun only shines because it’s just happy to know that I am alive. I need a kaleidoscope of butterflies to constantly flutter right above my head in the shape of a crown. Violent hurricanes find peace when they see me smile. I want my kindness to douse wildfires in the summer. My calm demeanor would teach earthquakes how to be still. All the Sequoia trees would ask me for advice on how to grow tall. The tree leaves in autumn don’t change colors because I am all the light they will ever need. Cheetahs on the hunt slow down so they can get a better look at me.
I guess I will keep dreaming.